Sunday 16th February 2025,
Human Rights Issue

Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ / Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

Toronto  7.4.2012
Feature by :  Fredrik Österlund

We recently came across this vid on Vimeo that gave us goosebumps – Circo de Bakuza, a Canadian creative agency won last year’s mandate to create and produce the Bell Gala – an annual event that has come to be one of the largest fundraising events in North America – and all in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

The theme ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ took 2000 guests on a ride like no other, masterful performances and spectacular set design – everything from the music to the costumes to the changing skies linked with the ever changing moods of mental health patients. Circo de Bakuza has been mandated by Bell with a second creative production scheduled to take place in Toronto this fall. It will be interesting to see how they will top last year’s Gala which inspired $1.2Million in charitable donations.

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