Sunday 16th February 2025,
Human Rights Issue
Environment Economy What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013? Politics Design


“Captain Paul Watson is the world’s most aggressive, most determined, most active and most effective defender of wildlife.”  – Artikler og andet godt fra madspils


The Bitcoin revolution could change government Afsløret på skjult kamera: Han hjælper rige i skattely Global economy should fear the ‘known unknowns’ By the numbers:

What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013?

Kvindelige ansatte stjæler mest Han eksploderede. I ansigtet på sin kæreste. Og foran kameraet Saudiaraber får 10 års fængsel og 2000 piskeslag for at danse


  LINKS VIDEO Digteren Yahya Hassan i kløerne på Martin Krasnik Helle Ib: Brevet ligner et falsum Elmquist: Statsadvokaten har optrådt inkompetent Fru Pedersen på


Sky Cycles: High-Flying Elevated Bike Lanes Could be Coming to London Launch of thinner iPhone lacks surprises Samsung did not copy ‘cool’ Apple iPad, court

Han skrottede alt undtagen musikken…

Han skrottede alt undtagen musikken…

Af  RAVNEN  9.10.2013 Musik & Design anmeldelse: The Broken Beats – All those Beginnings Efter at Forsanger Kim Munk fra The Broken Beats havde fundet hulen, hvori alt musik i hele universet ligger gemt, er han nu endelig sammen med [...]

October 9, 2013 Design


“Captain Paul Watson is the world’s most aggressive, most determined, most active and most effective defender of wildlife.”  – Artikler og andet godt fra madspils aktivisten Selina Juul Madspild på menuen hos Rio+20 Mød mad spilds aktivisten Selina Juul, stifter [...]

October 25, 2013 Environment


The Bitcoin revolution could change government Afsløret på skjult kamera: Han hjælper rige i skattely Global economy should fear the ‘known unknowns’ By the numbers: Shutdown and debt ceiling Need a Job? Invent It UK: Chaos over biggest employment tax [...]

October 25, 2013 Economy
What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013?

What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013?

Kvindelige ansatte stjæler mest Han eksploderede. I ansigtet på sin kæreste. Og foran kameraet Saudiaraber får 10 års fængsel og 2000 piskeslag for at danse nøgen – Mand torturerer datter til døde og får 8 år Saudi Shura members urge [...]

October 22, 2013 Health


  LINKS VIDEO Digteren Yahya Hassan i kløerne på Martin Krasnik Helle Ib: Brevet ligner et falsum Elmquist: Statsadvokaten har optrådt inkompetent Fru Pedersen på 65 blev anholdt for terror WikiLeaks, A Post Postscript Fake New York Times op-ed a [...]

October 9, 2013 Economy, Politics


Sky Cycles: High-Flying Elevated Bike Lanes Could be Coming to London Launch of thinner iPhone lacks surprises Samsung did not copy ‘cool’ Apple iPad, court rules   Tokyobike Anmeldelse CD: All Those Beginnigs – The Broken Beats, Kim Munk, DR 6 Beat [...]

October 9, 2013 Design
Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ / Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ / Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

Toronto  7.4.2012 Feature by :  Fredrik Österlund We recently came across this vid on Vimeo that gave us goosebumps – Circo de Bakuza, a Canadian creative agency won last year’s mandate to create and produce the Bell Gala – an [...]

August 16, 2012 Health


På denne side finder du artikler om og skrevet af Selina Juul, madspils aktivisten og stifter af forbrugerbevægelsen Stop Spild Af Mad.                     En undervisningskampagne tager sin form Top 10 Countries [...]

August 16, 2012 Environment
212 URBAN RUN Carolina Herrera

212 URBAN RUN Carolina Herrera

Paris, 8.16.2012   Hailed as the most trendy and sophisticated run in all of Buenos Aires, Circo de Bakuza added a twist of New York City ambition to the 212 URBAN RUN Carolina Herrera. In a celebration of sport and [...]

August 16, 2012 Design


Published May 22, 2012 MORAL HAZARD 2012 While we have just celebrated the glamourous 2012 Eurovision song contest in Baku, Azerbaijan – we also witnessed the repression of the country’ system critics. Coming up soon, is the Euro football championship in Ukraine. This is [...]

June 5, 2012 Economy, Politics


Lægeforeningen: Læger har ingen chance for at vide, hvordan en medicincocktail virker Go organic – Go Egyptian Magic skincream Vigtig bog om medicinalindustrien er skræmmende læsning Medicinalfirmaer anklages for mafiametoder Dødsfald på den lukkede: Patient med kramper og opkast blev [...]

June 5, 2012 Health
Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

On the occasion of the Danish EU Presidency 2012, Snuff Street Journal interviews human rights lawyer Claus Bonnez, who explains that the Danish courts systematically violates the human rights convention article 5, in connection with the legal proceedings undertaken by Danish psychiatric patients. I anledning af det danske EU formandskab 2012, interviewer Snuff Street [...]

May 20, 2012 Economy, Health, Politics