Sunday 16th February 2025,
Human Rights Issue




The Bitcoin revolution could change government Afsløret på skjult kamera: Han hjælper rige i skattely Global economy should fear the ‘known unknowns’ By the numbers: Shutdown and debt ceiling Need a Job? Invent It UK: Chaos over biggest employment tax shake-up in 70 years Cypriot bank deposits hit in €10bn bailout Hollande wants right to [...]

October 25, 2013 ssj Economy Comments Off on Economy



  LINKS VIDEO Digteren Yahya Hassan i kløerne på Martin Krasnik Helle Ib: Brevet ligner et falsum Elmquist: Statsadvokaten har optrådt inkompetent Fru Pedersen på 65 blev anholdt for terror WikiLeaks, A Post Postscript Fake New York Times op-ed a WikiLeaks hoax The Big Idea: The Sustainable Economy Austerity Reaches the Hollande Government in France [...]

October 9, 2013 ssj Economy, Politics Comments Off on Politics



Published May 22, 2012 MORAL HAZARD 2012 While we have just celebrated the glamourous 2012 Eurovision song contest in Baku, Azerbaijan – we also witnessed the repression of the country’ system critics. Coming up soon, is the Euro football championship in Ukraine. This is just recent examples of our brave new Europe, muting discussions about important civic issues, that [...]

June 5, 2012 ssj Economy, Politics Comments Off on Editorial

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

On the occasion of the Danish EU Presidency 2012, Snuff Street Journal interviews human rights lawyer Claus Bonnez, who explains that the Danish courts systematically violates the human rights convention article 5, in connection with the legal proceedings undertaken by Danish psychiatric patients. I anledning af det danske EU formandskab 2012, interviewer Snuff Street Journal menneskerettighedsadvokat Claus Bonnez der udtaler at de danske domstole systematisk overtræder menneskerettighedskonventionens artiklel 5, [...]

May 20, 2012 ssj Economy, Health, Politics 0