Sunday 26th January 2025,
Human Rights Issue


Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ – Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

The theme ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ took 2000 guests on a ride like no other, masterful performances and spectacular set design. Se the spectacular show here…


Manglende sengepladser… stigende medicinforbrug og antal psykiatriske diagnoser i det danske samfund. I det nye medikaliserede samfund, ved sundhedseksperterne egentlig hvad de laver? Snuff Street Journal’s udsendte medarbejder har prøvet systemet af, og redaktionen har indhentet aktindsigt. Læs mere herLæge Sean Heisselberg Pedersen

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

See how the Danish judges manipulate the citizen’s rights.
Se hvordan danske dommere manipulerer med borgernes rettigheder.

Watch the documentary film

What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2012?

The cover of newest issue of Time Magazine is exposing latest trends in female behaviour. We have selected various content and links on the subject.



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