Saturday 27th July 2024,
Human Rights Issue

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

On the occasion of the Danish EU Presidency 2012, Snuff Street Journal interviews human rights lawyer Claus Bonnez, who explains that the Danish courts systematically violates the human rights convention article 5, in connection with the legal proceedings undertaken by Danish psychiatric patients.

I anledning af det danske EU formandskab 2012, interviewer Snuff Street Journal menneskerettighedsadvokat Claus Bonnez der udtaler at de danske domstole systematisk overtræder menneskerettighedskonventionens artiklel 5, i forbindelse med den juridiske sagsbehandling af danske psykiatriske patienter.

See Documentary with subtitles in: dansk, Deutsch, English, français

Downloadable DVD ISO file for educational use
DVD available with subtitles in following languages: dansk, deutsch, english, français







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