Sunday 16th February 2025,
Human Rights Issue


What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013?

What’s happening with gender dynamic’s in 2013?

Kvindelige ansatte stjæler mest Han eksploderede. I ansigtet på sin kæreste. Og foran kameraet Saudiaraber får 10 års fængsel og 2000 piskeslag for at danse nøgen – Mand torturerer datter til døde og får 8 år Saudi Shura members urge lifting of female driving ban Exclusive: More Models Come Forward With Allegations Against Fashion Photographer [...]

October 22, 2013 ssj Health 0

Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ / Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

Bell Gala – ‘One Night Under A Blue Sky’ / Charity event for mental health patients in Toronto

Toronto  7.4.2012 Feature by :  Fredrik Österlund We recently came across this vid on Vimeo that gave us goosebumps – Circo de Bakuza, a Canadian creative agency won last year’s mandate to create and produce the Bell Gala – an annual event that has come to be one of the largest fundraising events in North [...]

August 16, 2012 ssj Health 0



Lægeforeningen: Læger har ingen chance for at vide, hvordan en medicincocktail virker Go organic – Go Egyptian Magic skincream Vigtig bog om medicinalindustrien er skræmmende læsning Medicinalfirmaer anklages for mafiametoder Dødsfald på den lukkede: Patient med kramper og opkast blev afvist via telefon Rystede forskere: Medicinalgigant afsløret i fusk Fratrådt sygehusdirektør får to års løn [...]

June 5, 2012 ssj Health Comments Off on Health

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

Manipulations in the Danish courtrooms

On the occasion of the Danish EU Presidency 2012, Snuff Street Journal interviews human rights lawyer Claus Bonnez, who explains that the Danish courts systematically violates the human rights convention article 5, in connection with the legal proceedings undertaken by Danish psychiatric patients. I anledning af det danske EU formandskab 2012, interviewer Snuff Street Journal menneskerettighedsadvokat Claus Bonnez der udtaler at de danske domstole systematisk overtræder menneskerettighedskonventionens artiklel 5, [...]

May 20, 2012 ssj Economy, Health, Politics 0